/webtest/ep_edm/en/contect_1597.html SHINI PLASTICS TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

Special Reports

2023 Quarter 1 Issue 49

The virtual and reality, we are on the road to digitalization

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The four days show of Chinaplas2023 lasted from April 17th to 20th, 2023 was the first influential exhibition in the plastics industry held as scheduled after the COVID-19 epidemic in Asia, attracting a large number of visitors from home and abroad to watch the show on-site, which received over 240,000 visitors in total. Booth 12A41 of Shini has displayed varieties of new products, technologies, and solutions in different series that the visitors highly stated. Though the four days show seemed transient, they filled us with many wonderful moments and gave us full of memories. See you again at the next Chinaplas.

During the exhibition, Shini integrated various reliable resources based on its advantages in plastic handling equipment, connected various key links of data chains, and integrated different vital technologies such as informatization, digitization, and virtualization to achieve the virtual and real conversion experience on-site. The presentation of on-site and remote displays features the convenience of one visit and makes two places attending available, which realizes the collaboration and synchronization between the live production and virtual resources, creating a fascinating digital show.

Based on the experience it accumulated in plastic handling equipment, Shini has long been working at the forefront of the plastics industry. Following the digital and intelligent development trend, it has gradually launched technologies and solutions such as sLink, sDATA, sMES, and integrated virtualization technology to provide a whole and integrated solution for the plastics moulding process.

Special Reports

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